Tuesday, August 31, 2010


This blog is strictly meant to be read or accepted in lighter vein. The blogger does not take responsibility for any inconvenience or misery caused to any living being.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fishy Interview

Interviewer: You have an interesting work experience. But we do not have this profile in Hyderabad. However, this opportunity is available in Kolkata. Would you be interested?

Me: Well, Thank you so much for asking. However, I am the only son to my aging parents and I do not like the idea of staying away from them.
Interviewer: Well, don't you think career is equally important for you.

Me: I understand. It would have been great if it was Hyderabad. However, I am not interested to relocate(narrowly irritated)

Interviewer: Kolkata will give you exposure and the necessary, don't you think career is equally important for you.

Me: I understand. Kolkata might be good. However, I really prefer Hyderabad. (narrowly irritated)

Interviewer:You can ask your parents to shift to Kolkata.

Me: ( Losing it) I am extremely sorry. It would be very difficult for them.

Interviewer: It's not available here. May I know the actual reason for you not preferring Kolkata?

Me: (having decided to end the discussion and interview) Well, I don't like the smell of fish and that's why I am not going there!

Me:Thanks for your time. Bye! ( I walked out cheerfully)

Benchmark Performer

This is for all the corporates, who find themselves working under unreasonable and unrealistic tasks.

Bingo! Most of the bosses expect this from their subordinates!

Disclaimer: The employee featured above has undergone professional inhouse training Do not try this at workplace.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Dog's out of the bag

Just when I thought of launching GajjiKukka to the readers, a good friend of mine had already announced it on his Facebook. Well! Its time I post some more realities of corporate life before I hit the grand launch.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A lick in time saves nine

So, do you want an increment?

Welcome to the Minority

Our lives were never like this! We never imagined ourselves swiping an access card. We neither fancied a coffee machine nor anticipated that emails would decide our mood for the rest of the day.

Amidst the office chaos and dismal pandemonium, we have forgotten how to live! Our life, growth, happiness, marital bliss, neighbors pride/envy, the banks’ survival, the pet’s happiness, friends’ happiness etc...in short the entire F**D up world!! depends so much on your targets and Key Result Areas aka KRA. So much that, Corporate Culture has surpassed our normal lives and we have blocked out those little moments that earlier used to give us so much of happiness, that was unmeasurable. Yes we had little money then, but life was worth living.

This blog is meant for people who talk straight, for the one's who believe that the world will anyway end someday and the best way to live is to do things that we love doing and  NOT for a boss or a manager a raise or a promotion.
This blog is also NOT meant for emotional living beings who also believe that a JOB is all that it takes to live.

You'd know if you are eligible to follow this blog as and when you keep reading the posts and feel good about it.